Hopelessly Heather

The ramblings and obsessions of a longtime Avon lady

trophies-710169_1920Racquel Writes! nominated me for the “Blogger Recognition Award” – thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!  ::deep bow::


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (see link above).
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 or more fellow bloggers for this award.
  6. Let each nominee know you’ve nominated them and leave a link to your post.

How I Started Blogging:

I actually started blogging for my law firm several years ago as a marketing technique that turned into a fun creative outlet.  When I moved my Avon side gig into high gear in 2015, I figured I ought to add a blog at some point for the same reasons.  Since this is my own blog, I get to do whatever I want which, in some ways, is difficult.  So, in 2016 I started researching everything blog related.

Two years passed.  In January 2018 I posted that one of my goals for the year was to start a blog.  And then in February, my daughter started her blog and her initial post resonated with me: not to agonize over every little thing.  She agonizes over every little thing as a form of procrastination – I agonize over every little thing because I’m a perfectionist.  I decided that when life slowed down a bit, I’d be like Nike and Just Do It.

That day came on the 4th of July – a weird mid-week holiday when the hubs was out of town for work and I had the entire day at home with no pressing chores.  So, I watched a couple of DVDs (AKA: getting into the proper holiday mood, or laziness, depending on who you ask), then dove into getting my blog set up and my first blog post published.

It’s been a fun and interesting ride ever since!

Two Pieces of Advice to New Bloggers:

  1. To steal from Nike: Just Do It.
  2. Try to write blog posts you’d like to read from someone else.

My Nominees Are:

I nominate the following 15 bloggers to participate in this prestigious Blogger Recognition Award, there’s nothing like being acknowledged and recognized by one’s own peers (drum roll please 😃):

  1. Cate Greer Art
  2. Word of Alicia
  3. Bubbles and Beebots
  4. Mistie’s Musings
  5. Southern Girl Blogging
  6. Teresa’s Big O(pinion)
  7. Hat on the Map
  8. WhyToStop
  9. Jennifer Catherine
  10. Forty, Flirty & Fabulous’s Weblog
  11. lifesfinewhine
  12. Meg’s Travels
  13. Learn Fun Facts
  14. Beautiful Leap of Faith
  15. Casually Alluring

If I have nominated anyone that has been nominated by someone else before, please send me the link to your post that contains your response to the nomination.

I’m looking forward to reading all the responses. Thanks again for the recognition, Racqs – you’re the best!!

2 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Rakkelle says:

    Wowza! Well done! But I hadn’t expected anything less.

    You’re right! I am the best.

    P.S. Did I ever tell you that is what my closest friends call me? Racqs! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hethrgood says:

      So humble! 😉 (That’s okay, I’m not either!)

      No, you didn’t tell me that – it just seemed like a good abbreviation! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

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