Hopelessly Heather

The ramblings and obsessions of a longtime Avon lady

I started the first full week of #JobSearch2019 strong in Avon’s Sparkling Necklace and Earring Set! I intend to wow them, but in a tasteful way!

A semi-delicate looking set that can be worn in any social setting – it’s dazzling enough to pull off a fancy evening look, traditional enough to wear with a suit for work and simple enough to wear with a super casual top. It’s tough to go wrong with a set like this one!

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I didn’t have any interviews or appointments on Tuesday, so I dressed down in order to deliver Avon orders! I wore Avon’s Queen of Hearts Lipstick in Berry Romantic along with the Julia Teardrop Long Layered Necklace and Mixed Metal Frontal Hoop Earrings!

These lippies are the cutest! They totally speak to the 8-year-old inside of me who loves everything heart-shaped…and the caps!! ::choirs sing:: Bonus: The berry shade is actually a berry color! It did pull a little pink with my yellow undertones, but it wasn’t so bad that I wanted to wipe it all off immediately.


The necklace is another stunner, though the two layers kept getting hung up on each other’s teardrop-shaped bits, which drove me a little bananas. I had a GREAT selfie…but the necklace was tangled. GAH!

The earrings are super cool looking, but impractical. They are medium in weight, so they didn’t hurt my ears, though they definitely needed some of those earring backs I discussed last week (which seriously are god’s gift to earring whores) so they didn’t tip forward. The problem with them is two-fold: (1) Because the hoop is contained/controlled by the stud portion of the earring, it’s virtually static and doesn’t have any flexibility, which makes them somewhat awkward to wear; and, (2) The hoop isn’t completely stationary, so it rattles around in the hole through the stud portion of the earring, which meant it was a metal on metal jingle jangle party in my ears all day. Since I’m currently job hunting, I didn’t have to contend with answering the phones in these things, which is probably a blessing since I strongly suspect they’d just plain suck in that aspect.



On Wednesday I spent an admin job search day at home, so I dressed down in Avon’s Crystal Top, Metallic Sparkle Statement Earrings and Queen of Hearts Lipstick in Plum Kisses!

The top is a steely grey-blue and has really, really long sleeves! I folded them up in the picture so I didn’t look like munchkin dressing in big people clothes. It’s a solid medium weight and is a terrific quality material. If only the arms…oh, nevermind. I know not everyone that’s a size S is only 5’1”.


I raved about how cute the lippies are yesterday, so I’ll focus on the lipstick formulation and shade itself today. The color is a beaut! It’s a true plum that turns more berry when dabbed at and left as a stain. The formulation is not my favorite. It doesn’t glide on the lips at all. I had to drag it, along with my lip, like a crayon on paper that isn’t being held down. It has a matte finish, and it’s pretty dry by itself. I, however, am willing to deal with the application annoyance for a good shade. Sacrifices.

The earrings (no longer available because I took a million years before wearing them – sorry about that) are really pretty and the stone centers glitter. Oh, and they tinkle when you move, but only when you really move, so it wasn’t too noticeable.


Those are all of the past week’s selfies! Which pieces were your favorite and how would you have styled them?

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17 thoughts on “Mode: Job Search Chic

  1. I just love those mixed metal hoop earrings! And the heart lipsticks, but I’m not too fond of a dry lipstick although somehow they do tend to last longer. Thanks Heather. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hethrgood says:

      I wasn’t pleased about the texture of the lipsticks either, but they are so stinkin’ cute…and the shades are pretty great too! 2 outta 3 ain’t bad…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True, you know that the only red lipstick I like and actually looks red on my is Avon’s Perfect Wear Perfect Red? But on my cousin the same color looks a deep coffee brown, go figure. I bought like ten lipsticks of this color about three years ago and I’m down to my last two. I kept them in the fridge to keep them from going “bad.” That’s a tip my mom (ex Avon lady) gave me. I need to restock soon.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. hethrgood says:

          Perfect Red is MY fave red shade too! I made a post about it a couple of months ago. Another Avon lady suggested the shade would work with the yellow undertones in my skin after I griped about how many red shades pulled pink on me – and she was spot on! Perfect Red and Buttered Rum LIVE in my makeup bag daily. I wear lots of other shades too, but those are my go tos!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It took me years and probably hundreds of dollars to find the perfect red shade (pun intended). Buttered Rum is a bit too dark for me, I wish Avon would bring back some of the old shades like Chocolate which was replaced by Chocolate frosting and is definitely not chocolate, well at least on me it’s not. But I agree, Perfect Red is absolutely perfect for me.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. hethrgood says:

              They are constantly removing, replacing and renaming shades. It’s hard to track sometimes!

              I don’t recall ever trying chocolate, but I have worn chocolate frosting. Since it’s not in my daily makeup bag, I must not have been too impressed with it! A lot of their brown shades end up looking like nudes on me – and that’s okay, but I prefer a pop of color rather than looking sort of washed out. (thanks, yellow skin). I tend to lean toward berries, deep mauves and reddish-browns.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Lol, I have a similar problem with the underlying olive skin tone I have. So nudes are an issue for me as are mauves, it so annoying. I see someone with a beautiful mauve or berry color and ask what it is, then I try it and blah….they look way too dark on me. No where near the beautiful light pink shade I want. And if I want a nude with a tinge of peach it looks bright orange 🙄

                Liked by 1 person

                1. hethrgood says:

                  Stupid skin tones messing with lipstick shades. 😒

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. Is this your job now?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hethrgood says:

      Looking for a job is, yes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok, I thought you were modeling for Avon full time. My mistake.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. hethrgood says:

          Bwahahaha – not even close.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I wasn’t trying to be a smart ass. I really thought that! I don’t know why it’s funny. LOL?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. hethrgood says:

              Oh, I’m not model material. It’s flattering you thought so. Avon is still just my side hustle – I’ve been an Avon lady since 1996. Maybe it will be my full-time focus at some point, but it does’t generate enough income to replace my regular career.

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Rakkelle says:

    You in that red *1st set of pix* equals gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hethrgood says:

      Thank you! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

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